Now23 Talk Irene Vlachou

Now23 Talk Irene Vlachou

Irene Vlachou is a typeface designer based in Athens. She holds an MA in Typeface Design from the University of Reading. She has collaborate with international type foundries and corporations, working as a typeface designer and a consultant for Greek typefaces. From 2013-2019, she was a senior designer and variable font expert at Type-Together. She currently works full time, as a freelancer typeface designer, specialising in OEM/System fonts. On behalf of the Greek Open Source Community (GFOSS), she is a mentor on the expansion of Greek libre fonts for the GSOC (Google Summer of Code) program. For the spring semester of 2022, she is an artist-in-residency at La Becque and a visiting professor at the Master program of Typeface design at ECAL, Lausanne.

Her work includes: Colvert Greek (2012,, Parmigiano Greek (2014, Typotheque), SamsungOne Greek (2016, Brody Associates), LL Bradford Greek (2016, identity for Documenta14, Laurenz Brunner), LL Unica77 Greek (2017, Lineto), Stratos Greek (2018, Production Type), FauxFoundry and FauxGreek parametric font (2019), SauberScript Greek(2020, Typejockeys), Amstelvar, (2020, FontBureau) and redesign of Roboto and Noto Greek fonts (2021, Google Fonts).

Now23 Talk Irene Vlachou
  • Rediscovering Greek letterforms

    This talk will explore the challenges of a (Greek) typedesigner in the quest of experimenting in typedesign and the sources of inspiration. What are the challenges and how to remain truthful to the nature of the script.